
Benefits of Utilizing 5-Axis Milling on Your CNC Machined Parts

05 Aug, 2022

custom cnc machined part

When manufacturing on a 5-axis CNC milling machine, your part will navigate through cutting motions in five separate axes, all at the same time.

Reduced Setup Process
A 3-axis CNC mill machine would consist of various setup processes when manufacturing your part on various surfaces. We can efficiently accomplish the entire cutting procedure in one individual setup process, due to our precise 5-axis CNC technology. As a result, we are able to fully complete the CNC project quickly, efficiently and with high accuracy.

High Accuracy Offered
We can precisely cut on your part with five separate axes simultaneously, due to the additional axes that operate in a rotational cutting procedure. Our quality team provides the high accuracy and detail necessary for the complex machined parts needed in the manufacturing industry. 5-axis CNC milling can provide your manufacturing company the precise machining that is required for your parts to sustain quality.

Fast Cutting Procedure Provided
Our advanced 5-axis CNC milling process provides a lower cycle time. That said, the cutting tools that are all operating in various cutting motions will allow for material to be removed at a faster rate. As a result, getting your part delivered quickly, efficiently and on-time.

Exceptional Surface Finish
The two additional axes, A-axis and B-axis, will help guide your part and direct it closer to the tool that is performing the cutting. Shorter cutting tools are operating on your part during the rotation. Thus, ensuring your part is less likely to experience a vibration at cutting speeds that are critically high. This will allow for an exceptional surface finish.

With our advanced CNC milling techniques, Etone Technology is able to offer highly detailed and complex CNC machined parts for the medical, aerospace, oil & gas and electronics industries.

If you need high precision CNC Machined Parts that accurately meet your exact specifications, contact us today!

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